Become an Athlete

  • Enrollment

    To enroll to become an athlete, complete an Athlete Enrollment/Medical Release Form.
    (Spanish version of Athlete Medical Form - Only for use in translating the English Athlete Medical Form)

  • Medical Release

    After completing the Athlete Enrollment/Medical Release Form, submit them to your local area director.

  • Eligibility

    To compete in Special Olympics, a person must be at least six years old. A person must also be identified by an agency or professional as having one of the following:

    • Intellectual Disabilities
    • Closely related development disability, which means having functional limitations in both general learning and in adaptive skills such as recreation, work, independent living, self direction, or self care.
  • Benefits of Participation

    There are many benefits to participating as an athlete with Special Olympics Texas:

    • Physical exercise positively impacts health, mood and anxiety.
    • Emphasis on sports training helps athletes maintain a healthy weight.
    • Athletes participate in activities that enhance their self-esteem and help them see that they can achieve goals that they set for themselves.
    • Athletes have many opportunities to make new friends and socialize in an environment that is accepting and encouraging.
    • Travel opportunities allow athletes to gain life experiences and skills that will positively impact all areas of their lives.
    • The Athlete Leadership Programs offer athletes opportunities to get involved in decision-making, public speaking, and leadership roles in their communities.