Letter Jacket Eligibility

In order for a Special Olympics athlete to be eligible for the awarding of a McKinney I.S.D. letter jacket, he or she must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • The athlete must be an enrolled student with McKinney I.S.D., classified as a high school sophomore, junior, or senior.
  • The athlete must be active in at least one (1) Special Olympics sport per year for two (2) consecutive years (24 months).
  • The athlete must have a current Special Olympics Texas Athlete Enrollment/Medical Release Form on file.

Jacket eligibility will be lost if an athlete has not been active for a twelve (12) month period. This will result in a restart of the eligibility period. An exception to the consecutive year sport participation rule will be granted to an athlete who had to miss a year due to extenuating medical concerns as confirmed by a medical professional.

The Special Olympics Texas Athlete Enrollment/Medical Release Form must be current and signed by a doctor. Previous or current experience with other Special Olympics Delegations will be considered. Switching Delegations to participate in a sport currently offered by McKinney I.S.D. will result in loss of jacket eligibility. Participation in a sport not offered by the McKinney I.S.D. Special Olympics Delegation will not jeopardize jacket eligibility.

Parents and/or guardians of a jacket eligible Special Olympics athlete will be contacted prior to ordering.

A misplaced, damaged, or lost jacket will not be replaced. The parent, guardian, and/or athlete may order and pay for a replacement jacket during the next ordering period in McKinney I.S.D.

Jackets are funded per collaboration between McKinney I.S.D. Athletics and McKinney I.S.D. Special Olympics. Included in this funding will be one (1) letter jacket, one (1) award letter, one (1) insert on the award letter, and one (1) McKinney Maverick patch. All extra lettering or patches will be at the cost of the parent, guardian, and/or athlete.

Any and all recommendations for jacket recipients are to be submitted to the McKinney I.S.D. Special Olympics Coordinator and Delegation for verification and final approval.

Any deviation from the above policy is solely a McKinney I.S.D. decision with input from the McKinney I.S.D. Special Olympics Coordinator and Delegation Representatives.